一个利用coffee、pug、stylus缩进、小巧的单文件组件工具 A small single-file component tool using coffee, pug, and stylus indentation
Go to file
2024-09-10 12:50:46 +08:00
.npmignore create project plan 2024-08-22 03:05:08 +08:00
LICENSE.md Add WTFPL LICENSE.md 2024-08-27 17:14:13 +08:00
luolita.coffee implement standard function SFC. 2024-08-22 19:07:03 +08:00
package.json5 implement standard function SFC. 2024-08-22 19:07:03 +08:00
README.md Update README.md 2024-09-10 12:50:46 +08:00

萝莉塔 - Luolita

一个类似 Vue 的单文件组件生成器
将 ".luoli" 文件解析为 3 种语法糖coffeescript、pug、stylus

A like-vue Single-File Components generator that parses HTML+CSS+JS
'.luoli' into 3-Syntactic sugar: coffeescript, pug, and stylus.

快速开始 Quick Start


  1. Node.js >= 20 LTS
  2. npm >= 10
  3. pnpm >= 9 (Optional, Recommended, .json5 support)

TODO: 之后写

执行代码 Code

代码段 由 文学咖啡脚本 构建
this gist Powered by Literate CoffeeScript

此文件适用于 ESM 模块支援
This is ESM module support.

  import * as cfs from "coffeescript"
  import * as pug from "pug"
  import sty from "stylus"

  PATH = "temp/test.luoli"
  NAME = "[luolita]"
  ENCODING = "utf-8"
    bare: true,
    header: false,
    sourceMap: true,
    inlineMap: true,

  console.log "#{ NAME } use ES Modules loader."
  console.log "#{ NAME } CoffeeScript ver: #{ cfs.VERSION }"

  import { readFileSync, createReadStream, writeFileSync } from "fs"
  import JSON from 'json5'
  import readline from "readline"
  DEBUG = true

  { config: CONFIG } = JSON.parse readFileSync "package.json5", "utf-8"
  file = readline.createInterface 
    input: createReadStream PATH, encoding: ENCODING
  if DEBUG then console.log "#{ NAME } Reading file: #{ PATH }"
  # 0: coffeescript, 1: pug, 2: stylus

  file_segments = {}
  file_segment_status = ""
  output_segments = {}
  sfc_var_bridge = ->
  output2file = (json) -> 
    writeFileSync "temp/test.css", json.style
    writeFileSync "temp/test.js", json.coffee.js
    writeFileSync "temp/test.html", json.template
  file.on "line", (line) -> 
    if DEBUG then console.log "#{ NAME } #{ PATH }> #{ line }"
    switch line.trimEnd()
      when "coffee:" then file_segment_status = "coffee"
      when "template:" then file_segment_status = "template"
      when "style:" then file_segment_status = "style"
        file_segments[file_segment_status] ?= ""
        file_segments[file_segment_status] += line + '\n'
  file.on "close", ->
    if DEBUG then console.log "#{ NAME } Close file: #{ PATH }"
    output_segments.coffee = cfs.compile file_segments.coffee, COFFEE_OPTIONS
    output_segments.template = pug.render file_segments.template
    output_segments.style = await sty file_segments.style
    if DEBUG then console.log output_segments
    output2file output_segments
    export default output_segments


[0.0.x] - 2024-08-21

  • 新建文件夹 Create project
  • 删除不需要的配置文件 Delete unnecessary files
  • 测试预安装脚本和json5配置文件是否能正常工作和推送 Test preinstall script and package.json5 work

[0.1.-2] - 2024-08-22

  • 完成所有打包工作,测试导出是否正常 Completed all packaging, test export work

[0.1.3] - 2024-08-22

  • 简单分割文件为三段类型分开解释 Simple split files into three types to explain

许可证 License

WTFPL - Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License github license